How big is Bollywood? I’m sure many of you outside of the Indian world wonder that, no? The answer is huge, the film industry in India is one of the largest in the world, and Bollywood is just a small part of the Hindustani cinematic world. Nearly every state has it’s own movies, there are Punjabi movies and Tollywood movies, films made in the Tamil speaking South of India. The name is a portmanteau of Bombay and Hollywood (which many don’t like) and although it isn’t actually a place in Bombay, it’s a very real part of India and Bombay. Its home is Film City, a massive area in the far suburbs of Bombay full of movie studios. I wouldn’t even want to try and guess how many movies have been made there. But since I’ve been here nearly every week a new movie is being advertised, with huge hoardings all across town (the crossing from Mahim to Bandra is a sight with all the billboards there, I’d guess around 20 big ones.) Bollywood is based on escapism, and rarely are you treated to the harsh side of life, unless it is to illustrate how tough a character is. One of the reasons I think that Slumdog Millionaire had a lukewarm reception was its brutal honesty in depicting the slums and people living rough in India. I mentioned before a movie called Dostana; now THAT is a bollwood movie, albeit a very modern ‘hip’ one. Your foundation for a Bollywood movie is the music. Get a good song (and a dance routine to back it up) and you’re halfway there. Commercial music in India is not Britney Spears, it’s the latest and greatest bollywood tracks. A typical Bollywood club involves everyone standing around doing the moves they saw in the song and singing all cool, like the movie stars. And the movie stars? If you make it in Bollwood and become a star (believe me not a simple thing in a very closed and competitive industry) you have the chance to become one of the most powerful people in India, like Shah Rukh Khan.
Shah Rukh Khan (hope I’m spelling that right) was named one of India’s most powerful people and he’s the movie star of Bollywood. His name nearly guarantees box office success and it was his interview and statement after 26/11 that was one of the most watched. Richard, you know who I’m talking about, the star of Kutch Kutch Hota Hai, one of the cheesiest movies I’ve ever seen, and for all the wrong reasons, one of the funniest.
Then comes Amitabh Bachchan, who when he dies will cause India to come to a standstill, he is the Godfather of Bollywood and has been a star for over 40 years. You may remember him from Slumdog Millionaire, though he isn’t in it. He’s the guy the kid jumps in the poo to get to and signs the autograph. And the way those people were acting, not put on at all. In fact it seemed pretty restrained!
Then there are the women of Bollwood, the sexy bombshells. Women who grown men will weep and cry over. The big name at the moment is Priyanka Chopra who starred in Dostana.
She’s probably the women of half a billion people dreams right now. Now, to be honest my knowlefge of Bollywood actors and actresses nearly ends there, I know that most Indians are like, “what?” Even Gayle, who can’t stand Bollywood, could name most of the big stars.
But I have to admit, I don’t like Bollywood films, especially the serious ones. They are too over-acted for me. Too melodramatic. Not saying that means they’re bad movies, just I don’t enjoy them. I love comedic ones, I can watch them. The over the top acting only makes it better.
Another thing people may have heard about Bollywood is that people don’t kiss in them, which is quite true. There is no nudity and sexual content, which doesn’t mean they are not sexual. They still have the ‘wet-sari’ scene and the sexy dance moves and the wistful looks, but when out hero and heroine come to the kiss they either move to the side (sexy like) or there is a scene cut. While being very conservative they can be just as provocative as Hollywood movies, if not more so.
Okay times up. I really should do some work. Maybe I’ll talk a little more about Bollywood some other time.
one of the big summer hits!
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