Was at Clement and Annabelle’s choral night, quite a sight. A whole lane blocked with seats everywhere, more than 200 there easy and lots of bands from the city and Goa playing Christmas music. Plus they had a big sound system too! Madness. Unfortunately I couldn’t take pics as the camera ran out of juice. I was missing Christmas in Ireland and it cheered me right up. Honestly, Goan’s are basically Irish people who’ve seen a bit too much sun to be good for them! They drink lots, are a friendly, chilled out bunch of people, know how to have a party and are all Catholic. Sound Irish enough?
But I’m not going to talk about Goa right now, that place deserves a whole series of blogs!
Christmas here is weird, not weird as in strange things happen. It’s just strange for me. I can’t really get used to the idea of wearing shorts, sandals and a t-shirt on a Christmas day while its plus 30degrees outside and there is spicy food on the table. John sent me a facebook message telling me what he was up to, sounded just about right. Watching tv as a big fire roars and eating lovely home food. Mmmm. But the food here is too good, and I can’t wait to have Danma’s Christmas steak and stuffing again. It rocks. I’m hoping we order a chicken or turkey so I can make chicken & potato ring. My mouth is watering with all this talk of victuals.
Watched Tropic Thunder last night, great show. Totally enjoyed it, simply because the crazy realisation that Tom Cruise was in this movie and he starts doing a full-on hip hop dance routine. Hilarious. And Robert Downey Junior’s character, while not essentially comedic is so funny for who he is, a white blue-eyed Australian who changes skin colour to become black to play the part of a black American! Has to be seen to be understood.
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