Ah Kung Fu Panda, what a sweet movie. Saw it last night for the second time, and totally enjoyed it again! The casting is a bit ‘Americans in China’ except for Jackie Chan, whose character hardly talks at all. But the visuals are so cool in it and the action so well shot you don’t that Dustin Hoffman is pretending to be a Kung Fu Master.
Living in India is one hell of a ride. It’s non-stop. Compared with India, Ireland is like a slow, dull-witted tortoise with arthritis. I mean in Cork, if you go out in the streets say 1pm on a Sunday, the city is empty. Even Dublin would be relatively quite at that time. Not so for Bombay, or anywhere I’ve been to in India. There is always someone around. You are never on your own unless you are walking some tiny back alley at 3 in the morning and even then you can’t be too sure, there’s probably a taxi driver sleeping nearby or some homeless guy sleeping in the most uncomfortable position imaginable. That’s another thing I find interesting here, is the ability of Indians to sleep anywhere. The middle of a busy train station, no problem, balanced between to baskets, no problem, lying like a wreck on the side of the street in the backing heat, no problem. Homeless people, (I’m presuming they’re homeless, nobody else would want to sleep on Bombay’s streets.) are everywhere. There are more homeless people in Bombay people than plain people in Ireland I’m sure!
Living here is a real eye opener to life, anyone who’s ever visited here will tell you the same thing. India has energy. They don’t so siestas, they work hard and long hours, they travel crazy distances to work, and they still have the energy to go mad dancing to some mentalist with some drums and a demented oboe.
On a completely different subject, here’s something every aspirant Muslim should have in their favourites/bookmarks, http://www.qiblalocator.com/# It finds out which direction you have to face to face Mecca. Handy for those unexpected situations.
Any other news, any other news. Can’t think of any.
Here’s the possible cover of the final report for the mosque I’m studying.
Nice isn’t it?

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