On Saturday Suppi's cousin Raj came to visit for his Suppi's wedding. He's a big party animal and so we decided to go out to Blue frog, a place I've talked about before. Went there, pretty bland house though not terrible, but very expensive and the crowd was a little dull. So we decided to to go to a club called Shiro's, which is as the pictures show bellow, amazing. It's a huge warehouse style place with high ceilings and tall statues of buddha and loads of cool lights and candles. Bit loungey (the dj was stuck in a corner out of the way) and just as expensive. Cool place though, wil definelty return.
Here's a small video on the place put up by some review website.
Well yesterday was the first day in our new house. We moved in Sunday and even though I had an uncomfortable sleep (mosquito bites and a loud fan) it was so nice to wake up in my own place. I’ll take pictures when it’s all done up and post them here. It has some strange features. No shower so we’re using the old bucket and jug method. Just as clean without using half the water. Also the toilet is some sort of fusion between western style and asian style. It’s a western style toilet with large lids so that, if one were so inclined, you can stand on the lids and squat Indian style. Sounds gross but trust me it’s actually not that uncomfortable and much more hygienic than western ones, as you never touch the surface which is a blessing in most toilets on the subcontinent. There’s another strange thing (at least strange for foreigners) about toilets. I remember my first visit here, I was quite puzzled by the bucket and jug that was in every person’s toilet. Of course this was explained to me as the old’ bucket, jug hand cleaning method for your arse.
Naturally I was a little disgusted at first but over the times I’ve been here I have had to resort to the method, and in fairness, so long as you thoroughly wash your hands after you actually clean yourself up much more than paper could. In fact sometimes I look at the amount of paper we use in Ireland, just to wipe our arses. And it begs the statement that, “when the last tree is cut down, and the last flower blossomed, it is only then that we realise that money is a terrible replacement for toilet paper.” This reminds me of the movie Demolition man, when Sylvester Stallone’s (have you ever actually read his name, if he wasn’t a movie star it’d be hilarious.) character is de-iced to fight bad guys but at one point he has to go use the toilet. He comes out and is like, “you’ve run out of toilet paper in there” to the other policemen to which they all burst out laughing exclaiming “he doesn’t know how to use the shells? Hahahahaha” To this day I have no idea what they mean by ‘using the shells, but it’s true, what are we going to do to wipe our arse when there is flying cars, teleporters and robots in our world. Tesco hyper value toilet laser paper?
Now I’ve grossed you all out enough I think, now to other news. I’ve finally managed to sort myself out with a gig in Bombay. Got a call yesterday after lunch that some people I’ve been getting to know are having a night in a club in Bandra called…..wait for it……H2O, the liquid lounge. Now most will not get that, let me explain. There is a Liquid Lounge in Cork too, and I’ve done quite a bit of work there, it’s definitely the best night music wise in Cork and I used to go there all the time. In fact I saw another liquid lounge off in the suburbs. It seems that liquid lounge is just a very popular term, it does sound cool. The liquiiid lounge. Though heaven knows how some ghats pronounce it “the leeequeeed longey” probably.
Ghat is basically cultchie, the Ghats being the mountains all along the west Coast of India. So if you’re a Ghat, your basically being called a mountain dweller. Jungli is another one. Basically you’re of the jungle. Both terms I get called a lot. ;)
So anyway, I was very keen to work on visuals with these guys, and was all packed up in no time, though unfortunately I hadn’t bought my MIDI keyboard yet, so I was still using my laptop keyboard. Anyway I got there a wee bit late, had so much of work to do on the house. Unfortunately the projector they had was only set up for the DVD player and they hadn’t planned on me needing a 6 metre long VGA cable (basically a 6m version of the cable that connects your computer to the monitor. So in the end we decided that I wouldn’t do visuals and that the cable would be ordered for next week, I’m ordering one too, to avoid this situation again. I’m also putting windows XP on my comp so that the programs run with a bit more stability. So hopefully in 2 weeks time I’ll be making a bit of money from this and with a nice working laptop. They were really cool guys and were so friendly, met this guy whose been teaching deejaying for a decade in workshops and stuff, so hopefully I’m gonna get a few tips and lessons from him in the next few months.
So that’s all the news. Back in the office now and I have to write a paper on plasterwork restoration work, going to become an expert by time I’m done!
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